
For many years, one of our long standing, beloved presidents, Anastasia Conomos Condas, championed many causes on the island as well as connected with many Greek  organizations throughout the Bay Area: The Hellenic Heritage Institute & MuseumThe Center for Modern Greek Studies in San Francisco, the Greek-American Oral History Archive at San Francisco State University, Hellenic Federation of Northern California (UHAS), and various other organizations. 

From our earliest beginnings, the society was concerned with raising money for various charitable causes on the island.

Money raised has been used to purchase needed furnishings and equipment for the Gerokomio (old folks home) in Potamos. In addition,  numerous musical instruments have been donated to the Philharmonic Orchestra on the island. Most recently a generous sum was donated to the Kytherian Cultural Association for ongoing cultural activities. Part of the sum was used to purchase an up-to-date large-format color printer, which is being used to produce prints, advertising material and posters for the cultural association and other organizations on the island.

    Another area of interest of the organization is the promotion of our Greek heritage and education. For this reason, The Anastasia Conomos Condas Scholarship, was created  and is awarded each year to a student of Kytherian descent.

    Under the leadership of Katherine Stathis, we are moving into a future requiring significant changes for our organization. We endeavor to increase our membership and recruit younger members to ensure that our organization is sustained for future generations.

Projects & Group Donations

*  Musical Instruments for the Philharmonic Orchestra

*  Furniture & Equipment for the Gerokomio

*  $2000 Sponsor for

*  $3540 Kytherian Cultural Association - large format printer

*  $1000 Kythera Bookshelves Project

*  $2000 Kythera Municipal Library Landscaping

*  $500 Trifylleion Foundation

*  $2125 Kythera Municipal Library  Maintenance Fund

*  Miscellaneous annual donations to other philanthropic organizations

 Su   © KSOCA 2012