November Updates

Kythera Mon Amour DVD

The Kythera Mon Amour DVD is now available for $20

In addition to the movie, it includes hightlights from the 

Kythera from the Air DVD

Order your copy today by sending an email to the Kytherian Society.

DVD Cover

Penelope Benardos Conomos

Long time KSOCA member, Penelope Benardos Conomos, will be celebrating her 107th birthday in March 2017! I don’t know about you, but I don’t know anyone who has reached that age! God Bless her! As a tribute to her grandmother, Alexa Conomos,  daughter of John T. Conomos, will be sharing stories and photos from Penelopes life that will be posted here on our site for all to read. 

You can follow her story by clicking the Notable Kytherian link at the top of the page, and scrolling to Penelope Benardos Conomos.

Penelope is an inspiration for all and we are so fortunate and thrilled to have her as a member and friend of our Kytherian Society of California.

Click here to follow her story: Penelope Benardos Conomos

Lucas Roemer (Cominos)

We were very proud to learn that Lucas Roemer, son of KSOCA member, Eve (Cominos) & Daniel Roemer, spoke at the Kytheriansmos Symposium in Kythera this past August. Lucas received a trip to Kythera as a graduation present this year. He is now in his first year of college at Lawrence University in Wisconsin.

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Lucas with his sister Anya
Grandchildren of Nicholas & Joan Cominos

Below is a copy of Lucas’ Presentation

Lucas Roemer- Cominos 002

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