Eternal Be Her Memory...

Theodora DracosCarvounnis

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July 27, 1924 - Jan 2, 2019

The KSOCA mourns the loss of long-time member Teddi Carvounnis. Teddi was a fixture at the KSOCA luncheons for decades, attending with her devoted husband of blessed memory, John Carvounnis. Teddi was awarded the Honorary Kytherian award in 2007 for her continual support of the society alongside John who will be remembered for running the annual raffle. Teddi will be missed by all.

May her memory be eternal.


Theadora (Teddi) Dracos Carvounnis was born in Hayward, California on July 27th, 1924 and fell asleep in Christ on January 2nd 2019. Loving wife and mother, she was predeceased by her husband John, and son Steve. Teddi resided in the Castro Valley home she and her husband created for decades and she developed an enormous family and friend network spanning the entire bay area. Both Teddi and John were members of the Oakland Greek Orthodox Church and the Castro Valley Greek Church, and both were active members of the Kytherian Society. Teddi was loved and cherished by numerous friends and family, but especially held dear by her cousins Kosta and Jordan, and her 8 godchildren; Helaine, Peter, Elena, Janet, Cynthia, Elaine, Greg and Jordan. Funeral services will be held at the Castro Valley Greek Church of the Resurrection, on Thursday 1/10/19 at 11:00am and the Trisagion will be held on Wednesday evening, 7pm at Santos-Robinson mortuary in San Leandro.

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